Share of Intel Processors Over the Years

In this analysis notebook, we want to take a look at the Intel processors within the Top500 benchmark data. Once we retrieve the specific section of the dataset and clean up some of the rows and values, we are able to perform some calculations. A good way to see the contributions of Intel to the top supercomputers in the world is to calculate what percentage of the ranked machines are Intel processor based. We can start by reducing the scope of the dataset to only include the relevant rows, and remove all of the extraneous columns. From there we can create a DataFrame that just contains the year, number of intel machines, and total number of machines (which should be 1000 for a full year). Since it is fairly simple to add a column to a DataFrame in Python/pandas, we can generate an additional attribute ‘percent’ and use the count values to calculate this. To visualize these calculations, we can generate a line graph that shows how the percent of ranked supercomputers with processors manufactured by Intel has changed over time.
